The World’s Most Passionate Food and Home Brand


First founded in 1975, Hajiya’s is a family business. We are proud to welcome you to the heartwarming journey of Hajiya’s, a family adventure that began with a woman whose warmth and passion for people and quality left an indelible mark on the world. Our history is one of love, determination, and the pursuit of excellence. ‘GOOD’, is designed to help us give back.


We know that some people face more challenges than others and we want to do our small part to contribute towards restoration. That’s why we want to help the world’s hungry children with some proceeds from our profits, through chosen charities and non-profit organisations. We are working hard to help make life more equal for everyone, but we couldn’t do it without you and everyone else.


Like you, we’re doing the best we can to become more sustainable. We continue to work hard to discover more ways to become more sustainable. Look up sustainability to help you find out how you can be a part of it. Some years ago, it took one video of a sea turtle struggling to free itself to help us understand how serious it is, and why we should all learn more about sustainability.


No one should miss out on opportunities because of their race, age, sex, gender, belief, disability, mental health or any other characteristic that makes them unique. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to make sure Hajiya’s is a truly inclusive and diverse place to work.


We have great ambitions to change the world, but there’s only so much we can do on our own. To really make things happen, we need other businesses and people like you to join in. No one man can do everything on their on, we all need each other, and some of the things we can all do are easier than you think.


  • When you shop, consider supporting businesses that really care about GOOD things that matter to you, including people and our planet.


  • Consider reduging your carbon footprint. We’ve found Do Nation really handy – they help you work out what small changes you can make to reduce your footprint and calculate how much carbon you could save. We know, we are not perfect either, but we’re learning and taking steps towards becoming better everyday.


  • Stick up for human rights. No matter where they live or what they do, every single person on the planet has fundamental human rights that deserve to be respected and protected. Here at Hajiya’s, we do all we can to make sure our farmers and factories are meeting human rights standards.


Together, let’s embark on a journey of flavours, stories, and shared experiences. Join us in the social media with @HajiyasHQ as we carve a new chapter in the legacy of Hajiya’s, where every bite is a tribute to the past and a promise for a flavourful future.


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